US and Europe
Read on. Trump and Francis: Dtente, not armistice [RNS, Massimo Faggioli, May 28] Trump own political interests and moral legitimacy are very different from the pope's, and especially from a pope like Francis. [ New item Repeat] Mark Zuckerberg Prayer [Aish, Rabbi Benjamin Blech] These were Zuckerberg's closing words at the Harvard commencement: I am reminded of a prayer, Mi Shebeirach, that I say whenever I face a challenge, that I sing to my daughter thinking about her future when I tuck her into bed. It goes: "May the source of strength, who blessed the ones before us, help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing." I hope you find the courage to make your life a blessing. [Rabbi Blech] It is very good to be blessed; it is even better to be a blessing. Cheap Jerseys cheap jerseys free shipping This may be one of the flaws in trying to proxy hacker activity for ICT power. Although China activity level is high, it is still behind the US and Europe in term...